P. Ciarlini, M. G. Cox, F. Pavese and G. B. Rossi (Eds.): "Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology, vol. 6", Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 66, World Scientific, Singapore, 2004.
Table of Contents
Estimation of precision and uncertainty of a calibration artefact for CMMs, S D Antunes, M A F Vicente
Uncertainty in semi-qualitative testing, W Bremser, W Haesselbarth
Processing coherent anomalies on digitalised surfaces in wavelet domain, P Ciarlini, M L Lo Cascio
Least squares adjustement in the presence of discrepant data, M G Cox, A B Forbes, J L Flowers, P M Harris
Harmonisation of correlated calibration curves with an application to the analysis of natural gases, M G Cox, S Kamvissis, M J T Milton, G Vargha
Parametrised approximation estimatore for mixed noise distributions, D P Jenkinson, J C Mason, A Crampton, M G Cox, A B Forbes, R Boudjeema
Algorithms for the calibration of laser plane sensors on CMMs, C Lartigue, P Bourdet, L Mathieu, C Mehdi-Souzani
Statistical tools for metrology and testing: from data collection to decision making, C Perruchet
Metrology software for the expression of measurement results by direct calculation of probability distributions, G B Rossi, F Crenna, M Codda
Feasibility study of using bootstrap to compute the uncertainty contribution from few repeated measurements, B R L Siebert, P Ciarlini
Recursive and parallel algorithms for approximating surface data on a family of lines or curves, G Allasia
Process measurement impact on the verification uncertainty, J Bachmann, J M Linares, S Aranda, J M Sprauel
On the uncertainty of a calibrated instrument, W Bich, F Pennecchi
Automatic differentiation and its application in metrology, R Boudjeema, M G Cox, A B Forbes, P M Harris
Use of non-central probabilità distributions for data analysis in metrology, A Chunovkina
Implementation of a general least squares method in mass measurements, J Hald, L Nielsen
The GUM three design pattern for uncertainty software, B D Hall
Statistical hypotheses testing for phase transition identification in cryogenic thermometry, D Ichim, I Peroni, F Sparasci
The impact of entropy optimisation principles on the probability assignement to the measurement uncertainty, G Iuculano, A Zanobini, G Pellegrini
Stochastic processes for modellino and evaluating atomic clock behaviour, G Panfilo, P Tavella, C Zucca
Compound-modelling of metrological data series, F Pavese
Homotopic solution of EW-TLS problems, M L Rastello, A Premoli
Pooled data distributions: graphical and statistical tools for examining comparison referente values, A G Steele, K D Hill, R J Douglas
Numerical uncertainty evaluation for complex-values quantities: a case example, L Callegaro, F Pennecchi, W Bich
Bayesian approach to quantum states tomography, S Castelletto, I P Degiovanni, ML Rastello, I Ruo Berchera
Simulation of charge transfer in a tunnel junction: approaching the sub-e scale, G E D’Errico
Validation of calibration methods – a practical approach, E Filipe
Comparison of LS techniques for the linear approximation of data affected by heteroschedastic errors in both variable with uncertainty estimation, D Ichim, P Ciarlini, F Pavese, A Premoli, M L Rastello
Noise correction for surface measurements, H Haitjema, M A A Morel
Evaluation of uncertainty of standard platinum resistance thermometer at national laboratory level, M J Korczynski, A Hetman, A Szmyrka-Grzebyk, P Fotowicz
A new approach to the presentation of the result measurements in virtual instruments, M J Korczynsk, A Hetman
A Hybrid method for l1 approximation, D Lei, J C Mason
Interpolation equations for industrial platinum resistance thermometers , P Marcarino, P P M Steur, A Merlone
From the fixed point calibration to the certificate: a completely automated temperature laboratory, A Merlone, P Marcarino, P P M Steur, R Dematteis
A new off-line gain stabilisation method applied to alpha-particle spectrometry, S Pommé, G Sibbens
Development of software for ANOVA that can generate expressions of variance expectations, H Tanaka, T Kamoshita, K Ehara
Template matching in passive sonar recognition, J L Terry, D A Turner, J C Mason
Fast computational alternative to Monte Carlo simulation of an output distribution, R D Willink and B D Hall