
Prof. Miloš Sedlacek
TC4 Past Chairperson
Treboradicka 1072 Prague 8 CZ-182 00 CZECH REPUBLIC
+420 2 2435 2177

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Short biography

Milos Sedlacek received the M.Sc. (Ing.) degree and its PhD (C.Sc.) degree from the Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, in 1963 and 1977, respectively.
Since 1985 he has been an Associated Professor of electrical measurements with the Department of Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. His main research interests are digital signal peocessing in measurements and measurements of active electrical quiantities. He is author or co-author of four books and about 100 papers. Currently, he is a reviewer of two internationla journals dealing with measuirements.
Dr. Sedlacek is a Past Chairman of IMEKO International Technical Committee TC4 (Measurement of electrical quantities). He has been a member or a chairman of International Program Committies of several IMEKO international scientific events, including the IMEKO World Congresses.
At present, he is retired and serves as a part-time employee of Dept. of Measurements, FEE, CTU (Czech Technical Univertsity) in Prague.